
Time is always important, like the music notes of a song.

NSquare, Memorigin and Mr. Ronald CHENG, group together and design two new tourbillon watches for his One More Time world tour concert (Hong Kong).

NSquare cooperates with Memorigin again. One sentence can describe the relation: 100% understanding, mutual learning and capturing of every precious moment.

Ronald has his own set of views about time always. The three parties spent a lot of time for the series. It is important and we hope to bring the world's most precious tourbillon watches to your hands.

This series is based on the concept of Ronald's classic song about time, person and place in 1998. He is a well-known singer and has several popular songs.

Ronald, who occupies an important seat in Hong Kong, understands that each person has his/her preference, so the two models use different colours. One of them is a combination of black and gold - the dial is black and the strap is bi-material which black rubber is used. The other one is stainless steel and blue. The strap upgrades the entire watch instantly and is your best friend for all occasions.


NSquare聯同萬希泉與鄭中基先生攜手以一式兩枚全新陀飛輪腕錶,為《鄭中基One More Time世界巡迴演唱會香港站》作點綴。






是次系列以Ronald 1998年的經典名曲《時間,人物,地點》為概念。他是香港千禧年代不可或缺的歌星,歌曲膾炙人口,如《晴天陰天雨天》(1999)、《我代你哭》(2003)及《無賴》(2005)。


於香港樂壇佔一重要席位的Ronald,明白各有所愛,因此兩款使用了不銹鋼316L錶冠的型號配上不同的色彩,黑金之組合 - 配有金色釘的黑色錶盤,繫上黑色橡膠和鱷魚皮帶雙材質錶帶,寓意漆黑中閃亮發光;冠冕堂皇的有鋼藍色(藍色錶盤x銀色釘 ),綱帶使整枚腕錶馬上升格,是你於各大小場合的最佳伴侶。


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